Sustainability in travel photography

Sustainability is a series of actions taken by individuals and groups which places the needs of the environment and people at the forefront.
— Jerald Yutaka Chan

Perceptions around environmental Sustainability and travel photography

We can all get involved in Sustainability in one way or another - whether it is taking public transportation instead of a private vehicle or bringing your reusable cup to the coffee shop, every little bit helps.

Travel photography can be perceived as environmentally unsustainable because of the high outputs of greenhouse gas emissions emitted. Some of the activities which can release significant amounts of greenhouse gases include:

  • Travelling - by plane or private transportation

  • Camera equipment production and consumption

  • Food consumption - single-use plastics from takeaways

  • The list can go on…

However, travel photography doesn’t have to be environmentally unsustainable. In fact, there are so many opportunities for individuals and groups to practise sustainable travel photography and I intend to take on the challenge to minimise my impact on the environment.


How can my actions be more environmentally sustainable?

There are numerous ways to lower negative environmental impact when doing travel photography, some of the actions I do to reduce my greenhouse gas emissions and promote environmental sustainability include:

  • Carbon offsetting flights.

  • Framing photographs using sustainably sourced wood

  • Using public transportation or travelling on foot when possible.

  • Creating environment/sustainability-related stories on social media to inspire engagement, discussion and action among the online community.

  • Minimal purchasing and consumption of goods where possible.

  • Carrying a reusable water bottle to avoid purchasing single-use plastic bottled water.

  • Promoting sustainability tips and initiatives on social media.

  • Learning about local environmental contexts when travelling abroad, while respecting local customs and traditions without seeking to change.

Want to find out how much your everyday actions affect the environment? Click the tab below.


Ultimately, sustainability is a series of actions taken by individuals and groups which places the needs of the environment and people at the forefront. There are so many opportunities for us to take action to leave the world in a better place than when we found it.