Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few common questions I have been asked over time. If you think there are any other unanswered questions that should be added to this list, please click the “Ask Here” button at the bottom of this page.

What is in your camera bag?

I carry a range of photography and travel while travelling, from camera body and lenses to my favourite pair of headphones and even the stationary I use while on the go.

If you are interested in finding out more about the photography gear I use while I’m out exploring the world, check it out here!

Do you sell frames or prints?

Yes, I do! I have an online photo print and frame store where you can choose your favourite photo which can be used for a wide range of purposes, from displaying it in your house or as a gift for friends and family.

If you are interested in seeing my favourite works, click here to check out my online print store.

Where are you from?

Originally I was born in Singapore, before moving to New Zealand at the age of 9. I have been living in New Zealand ever since.

How did you get into photography?

I have always enjoyed doing photography, there are even photos of me as a young child holding toy cameras, to photos of me using a camera on a road trip. Over time, my passion for the camera shifted towards filming the sporting activities I did - which was shortlived, to landscape photography and now travel photography.

If you are interested in finding out more about how I got into photography, click here to read this article I wrote.

Is photography your career?

Good question! That’s a work in progress. I would say I’m a travel photographer first before any career, as I am a big believer in doing the things you love while balancing other commitments at the same time. I have thought about going full-time but for now, I am slowly transitioning from being a hobby photographer to starting my own business.

Right now, the most important thing for me is to keep creating visually inspiring photographs and sharing my favourite travel experiences to inspire more people to go out, dare big and follow their passion!

What does a day out travelling look like for you?

Two days of travelling are almost never the same.

Some days I can be out for as long as 14 hours in a day exploring a new place, while other days you can see me waking up late, lounging around and spending a whole day being at peace with myself.

On a day when I go out exploring, I would usually wake up early in the morning to catch the sunrise. Once I’m out of my accommodation, I would usually try to stay out as long as I can. I enjoy listening to music as it inspires my travel photography creativity and gets me in the rhythm to try something new out.

I also really enjoy learning about an area through:

  • Trying local food

  • Visiting a local bookstore or two

  • Engaging with the local culture through conversations and activities

After sunset, I would spend up to an hour planning what I want to do the next day - sometimes this can be bookmarking some local highlights into Google Maps, other times it can be booking accommodation or flicking through Instagram or Youtube to gather some inspiration from other travellers/photographers.

What are some countries you would like to visit?

While I am on a lifetime quest to go visit every country in the world, there are still plenty of countries that I need to go and experience!

I have many countries/locations I would love to visit in every region of the world, so I’ll list only the top 3 countries from every region in the world (In no particular order).

Oceania/Pacific: Tonga, Australia and French Polynesia

Asia: Vietnam, Bhutan and India

Middle East: Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia

Europe: Germany, Italy and Finland

Africa: Morocco, Egypt and Tanzania

The Americas: Canada, Peru and Mexico

How do you do Sustainability?

Sustainability is a lifestyle choice for me - the actions and values I follow stays with me from home to abroad. It’s more than just protecting the environment, it’s also about respecting people, the local economy and co-existing with one another.

While there are many ways in which I do sustainability when travelling, I will list my top three favourites.

  1. Environment - Carbon offsetting my plane ticket to compensate for the greenhouse gas emissions from my flight.

  2. Social - Respecting and following local customs as best as I can, asking for permission when I feel necessary and doing no harm to the local people.

  3. Economy - Supporting local businesses over international where possible. Trying local cuisine rather than having a generic coffee that can be consumed anywhere around the world.

If you want to know more, click here to read about my commitments to doing Sustainability the right way.

What do you think is the most important travel photography tip you think people should know about

Learn when to take the camera out and when to put it away.

Many photographers I’ve talked to and heard over the years discussed things like master your lighting, learn how to compose an image, nail your camera settings down, and while these tips are very important, I think in this day and age, people need to know that taking a million photographs isn’t always going to make you enjoy the experience nor does it always mean that you are more engaged in your travels.

Yes, getting those photos will take you back in time to relive the moment, but did you really live it in the first place if all you did was stand behind the camera the whole time? Sometimes it is totally worth it but travelling is also about doing things beyond photographing the moments, be in and live the moments.

Ask yourself, is it the right time for me to have the camera out, or should I put it down to make the most of this experience?

What is your one piece of advice for an aspiring traveller/photographer?

Get out, explore, stay safe and have fun! Learn always and always be prepared for the unexpected.

There is only so much pondering you can do to decide whether to take the next step or not, I say if ever in doubt, go for it as you’ll learn something valuable about yourself and the world around you.

Any Other Questions?

If you have a question that hasn’t been answered here, please leave your question below and I’ll be able to answer your question as soon as I can! I love a good question and if I have enough people asking me, I’ll be sure to add it onto this page!